Education Profile: Grace Shaw

Posted on 20 February 2020

Education Profile: Grace Shaw

Grace was one of 23 recipients awarded a Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Trust Education Grant in the previous 2018 – 19 round. Congratulations e hoa!


Kia ora koutou Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō whānau.

In December last year I received notification that I had passed my final exam in my studies toward a Bachelor of Midwifery Degree. I am deeply grateful for all the support I have received from my immediate whānau, from iwi and friends and I am looking forward to starting a new job here in Ōtautahi in March.

During my study and practical placements, I have travelled the country, met many wonderful people and had so many experiences that I will treasure. I’d like to encourage fellow registered iwi members who may be at the crossroads of life to consider taking up the challenge of continuing education, as opportunities expand and become endless.

Aroha nui,

Grace Elizabeth Gilsenan Shaw


Pictured above: Grace with cousin Maisie Gilsenan’s first-born daughter, Missy

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