Hui ā Tau 2020 + Trustee election results

Posted on 28 September 2020

Hui ā Tau 2020 + Trustee election results

I orea te tuatara ka patu ki waho - A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions. Thank you to those members who signed up for our first ever Hui ā Tau by webinar last weekend. 

Covid-19 meant we had to find a new way to run the AGM this year, which was a bit different to say the least, but we got there. We had whānau Zoom in from all over the motu and from overseas too.

As well as covering the annual accounts and iwi business, Trustees also paid tribute to outgoing deputy chairperson and former chairperson Brendon Wilson, who has ably led the iwi for the past 13 years. A lot has happened in the past decade, and Brendon has navigated with diplomacy and openness. Ngā mihi nui me te aroha nui!

Trustee election results were also announced at the online hui; congratulations to Hinemoa Conner, who returns to the board table to represent Puaha te Rangi and also to newcomer Kushla Okano, who we look forward to introducing you to in the coming weeks.

A big mihi also to unsuccessful Trustee candidates Paul Addison and Patrick Smith - just standing takes courage and a willingness to assist your iwi.

Feel free to pop us an email with any feedback e te whānau, and we hope to see you in real life soon.

Mauri ora

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