Meet your new Trustee: Bosun Huntley

Posted on 19 November 2019

Meet your new Trustee: Bosun Huntley

Bosun Huntley took his seat for Tarakaipa at the trust table last month after being elected in September. We sat down for a quick chat.

Tell us a little about yourself.

“I grew up in Picton, and when I was younger we were down the Sounds at a whaling station. I still live in Picton to this day, I just feel that this area is my turangawaewae, you know, this is where I am supposed to be. I’m the eldest of 12 siblings. I remember when I was 6, there were six of us, probably when I was 3 or 4 I was already helping wipe noses and helping Mum out. There’s a lot of us around. We don’t get together as much as we used to when we were kids – I guess we’ve all got our own big families now, we’ve all got grandkids.”


What brought you back to the Trust table?

I was on the Trust previously, but life and whānau took over when I had four of my grandkids come live with me. Three of them are in Auckland now, and Phoebe (mokopuna) is about to go to tourism school in Auckland, so I have time to be able to commit again. I really enjoy doing this sort of work.


Is there any particular area you want to focus on?

I’m very much for the people, especially the elderly. There are people still alive, even older than I am, who remember uncles and aunties, and they remember uncles and aunties who had wrongdoing done to them. I suppose you could say I want to be a strong kaumātua voice.


How have things changed in the time that you have been involved with the iwi, do you feel like we’re in a good space?

Yeah, definitely. Even in the three years or so that I’ve been away, it’s in a better state. You can just feel it. All of the rangatahi opportunities – yeah, it feels good.

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