Tūranga mahi: Te Pou Ahurea | Cultural Advisor

Posted on 26 July 2021

Tūranga mahi: Te Pou Ahurea | Cultural Advisor

The Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Trusts are seeking a fulltime Te Pou Ahurea | Cultural Advisor to lead the iwi’s Cultural Strategy and cultural aspects of Te Tirohanga Whakamua a Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, our Five-Year Plan. Could this be you?

This is a permanent position, reporting to the General Manager, and can be based in Blenheim or Nelson.

Applications close at 5pm, Monday, August 16, 2021.

Applicants should email their CV and cover letter to gm@ngatiapakiterato.iwi.nz


Te Pou Ahurea | Cultural Advisor - The Role

The Cultural Advisor’s primary role is to implement the cultural aspects of the iwi’s Five-Year Plan, Cultural Strategy (under development) and annual plans within budget and while meeting relevant KPIs and objectives.  The successful candidate is expected to uphold Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tōtanga at all times, supporting trustees, directors and staff.  The ideal candidate will be humble, hardworking, honest and focused on the needs of the collective.

The Cultural Advisor will be expected to work closely with management, trustees and staff to ensure that the iwi’s cultural practices are maintained and upheld in all that we do as well as oversee new and existing cultural programmes run by the iwi. This role will require frequent travel and there is a requirement to work outside of business hours periodically given the focus of the role.


Skills and Experience

The Cultural Advisor:

  • must be fluent in te reo Māori and knowledgeable in tikanga Māori;
  • is, ideally, a member of the iwi and has specific relevant knowledge and networks within the iwi and/or the wider Kurahaupō ki Te Tauihu waka;
  • is ideally experienced in teaching te reo Māori at a variety of levels and developing educational resources;
  • must be diligent and honest, and able to model positive behaviour consistent with iwi values
  • ideally has experience working with rangatahi;
  • must be able to work collaboratively with others, including staff and other cultural practitioners
  • must be able to identify, manage and oversee other subject matter experts brought in to assist in the implementation of the iwi’s Cultural Strategy.


Key Accountabilities

  • Developing te reo Māori capacity amongst trustees, directors, staff and the wider iwi collective
  • Providing cultural advice to the trustees, directors and staff as required
  • Growing the cultural capability of iwi members through the implementation of the cultural portfolio within the Five-Year Plan, Annual Plan and Cultural Strategy
  • Implementing and putting in place measures for monitoring the effectiveness of the cultural portfolio and the Cultural Strategy
  • Overseeing the Mana Rangatahi programme and/or any other cultural programs developed by the iwi
  • Developing other cultural initiatives to appeal to the wider iwi demographic
  • Representing the iwi at relevant events
  • Ensuring that wider iwi strategies are furthered through the implementation of the Cultural Strategy.


Key relationships

  • Internal: Group staff, trustees, directors, iwi members
  • External: Other iwi cultural practitioners and staff, schools, central and local government officials, general public

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