Te Kūmara Vine

Posted on 17 February 2016

Te Kūmara Vine

As advised in our last Kia Hiwa Rā, Tobias Gilsenan’s first solo exhibition opened over the weekend.

Tobias is pictured above with wife Francesca  at the opening of his exhibition at the Chamber Gallery, Rangiora.

Tobias told us that, many years ago he received a number of study grants to assist him in studying for his design degree (2000-2003), for which he was “very appreciative”.

We offer our aroha and tautoko Tobias, his partner, Francesca, and their tama Tiakingahere in their future endeavours, and hope the exhibition is a successful one.

If you’re in the area, or passing through, stop to check out Tobias’ exhibition. It runs until March 17.

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