From the Chair

Posted on 07 December 2020

Trustees recently participated in a Strategic Planning Day, which saw us take the time to reflect and take stock of the existing Te Tirohanga Whakamua a Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō – our Five-Year Plan – and assess how the goals are tracking in terms of outcomes and alignment with this plan.


Given we have been through some trying times over the past 10 months and delays have occurred, the goals we set in the plan are still tracking well. The planning day also provided an opportunity to tease out other initiatives that could benefit the iwi and iwi members. In terms of the process, Simon and his team will work out how to translate the planning goals into a workable project which includes budget, actions, time frames and milestones, etc. This then comes back to the board for consideration.


I have attended a number of hui over the past month. Our iwi took part in the latest National Iwi Chairs Forum held in New Plymouth. Topics discussed covered a wide range of interests to Māori, including fresh water, climate change and its specific effect on Māori, housing, child poverty and violence. The consensus was that there were so many issues and matters to consider it was agreed to concentrate on a few with the aim of providing evidence-based statistics, research and options for iwi consideration.


For all those students who are in the process of starting or finishing their exams, I’d like to wish you

well on behalf of the iwi. To those who have applied for education grants and scholarships, whether they be with our iwi or through other avenues, all the very best from us all. To our Kath Hemi Huia Kaimanawa Scholarship applicants, good luck with your application – this is a very special scholarship; so, to the successful applicant, you take the goodwill of the iwi with you.


I would like to thank trustees, our GM and his staff, sub-Committee members, directors, our volunteers, the various entity leaders who have provided business support and advice, and our various business partners and suppliers for your stellar work on behalf of the iwi. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish all iwi members a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. I hope you get the opportunity to spend time with your loved ones and take time to have some

rest and recreation.


Meri Kirihimete

Hinemoa Conner, Chairperson

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